OSCE trains law enforcement officials in Tajikistan on effective interview techniques

A three-day training course aimed at enhancing the capacity of law enforcement agencies to conduct investigative interviews concluded on 15 November 2017 in the Gissar district of Tajikistan. The event was organized and conducted by the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe.
The course highlighted effective investigative interview methods for use with witnesses and suspects in criminal investigations. It was attended by 18 mid- to senior-level officials from various law enforcement agencies of Tajikistan, including from the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the General Prosecutor’s Office.
Participants reviewed international legal frameworks related to conducting law enforcement interviews and gained further understanding about the distinction between interviews and interrogations. Skills gained from the training course will help the participants with obtaining thorough and accurate information from suspects and witnesses in full compliance with international human rights standards.
Ioseb Chichikashvili, a trainer from Georgia, said: “The training course participants are highly qualified professionals who are interested in the legal practices used in Georgia. They expressed their willingness to learn modern methods and techniques to conduct criminal proceedings in terms of international standards.”
“Despite the fact that all participants who take part in this course are well experienced and trained, learning about the investigative practices of their Georgian colleagues and studying international standards would help them to improve their professional skills,” said Muhammadzoda Muhammad, a trainer from Tajikistan. “The participants will apply the obtained knowledge in their day-to-day activities and share their experience with their colleagues in the respective agencies.”
Similar courses will be conducted in Gissar and Khujand city for law enforcement officials from the Khatlon, Sughd and GBAO regions from 16 to 21 November.