OSCE supports regional course on demilitarization activities in Central Asia

A ten-day OSCE regional course for some 30 military and civilian experts entitled Becoming an Intelligent Customer for Safe Demilitarization Operations began on 16 October 2018 in Almaty, Kazakhstan.
Participants from Georgia, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan will enhance their awareness of and skills for adhering to international guidelines and best practices for the safe, effective and efficient demilitarization of conventional ammunition and explosives. An expert from the United Kingdom will share experiences and best practices in this regard.
The theoretical part of the course is being held at Kazakhstan's Ministry of Defence Partnership for Peace Training Centre (KAZCENT) in Almaty. A practical exercise will be conducted at a military facility in Kapshagay.
The course is organized by Kazakhstan’s Ministry of Defence, the OSCE Programme Office in Astana and the OSCE Programme Office in Dushanbe, in co-ordination with the OSCE Integrated Co-operation on Explosive Hazards Programme.
It is part of the OSCE’s long-term support to the development of a co-operative mechanism among states in Central Asia to address concerns and challenges stemming from the disposal of explosive hazards.