Training course on countering online trade of narcotic drugs
15 May 2018 (All day) - 18 May 2018 (All day)
Astana, Kazakhstan
Organized by
The OSCE Programme Office in Astana, International Narcotics and Law Enforcement Office of the United States Embassy in Astana, Law Enforcement Academy under the General Prosecutor’s Office.
The training course will examine some of the latest trends in using Internet as a platform for trade of narcotic drugs. It will provide acting law enforcement officers and instructors from law enforcement educational institutions with some of the instruments to effectively counter this trade online. Experts will share some of the successful case studies to support their findings and enhance the participants’ capabilities to efficiently conduct online investigations.
The event is part of the OSCE Programme Office in Astana’s activities to enhance security, increase accountability, and promote best practices in security in the host country.