OSCE Presence in Albania introduces mock-trial methodology for human trafficking cases

On 27 September 2023, the OSCE Presence in Albania and the School of Magistrates organized a training-of-trainers workshop with the academic staff of the School of Magistrates, judges and prosecutors to introduce a methodology for the development and delivery of mock trial-based training for human trafficking cases.
The workshop presented the participants with a set of guidelines on how to conduct a mock trial based on a learning-by-doing methodology tailored to the Albanian legal framework.
The methodology will contribute to the future judges and prosecutors’ understanding of the issues and challenges typical of trafficking in persons cases and will enable them to hone their skills in handling such cases.
Opening the event, Head of the OSCE Presence in Albania Ambassador Bruce Berton said: “The scale of human trafficking calls for urgent steps to enhance the criminal justice response to prosecute and convict traffickers, while placing a special focus on the victim-centred approach”.
Director of the School of Magistrates Arben Rakipi emphasized the importance and practical implications of the mock trial-based methodology, which can be adapted to the existing education programmes of the School.
The OSCE Presence is working together with the School of Magistrates on a number of initiatives to support the advancement of anti-trafficking programmes in both initial and continuing education. These efforts are part of an extra-budgetary project of the Presence funded by the governments of the United States of America, Norway, and Italy. Also as part of this project, the OSCE Presence will publish a manual on mock trial methodology.