OSCE Mission to Croatia begins operations
VIENNA, 5 July 1996- With the arrival of the Head of Mission, Amb. Albert J.A.M. Nooij of the Netherlands, the OSCE Mission to the Republic of Croatia began its operations today.
In April, the OSCE Permanent Council decided to establish an OSCE Mission to the Republic of Croatia to "provide assistance and expertise to the Croatian authorities at all levels, as well as to interested individuals, groups and organizations, in the field of the protection of human rights and the rights of persons belonging to national minorities."
In order to promote "reconciliation, the rule of law and conformity with the highest internationally recognized standards," the Mission will "assist and advise on the full implementation of legislation and monitor the proper functioning and development of democratic institutions, processes and mechanisms."
The OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities and the Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights will provide expertise to the Mission. The Mission will co-operate closely with the Council of Europe and other international organizations and institutions active in Croatia.
The Mission's Zagreb headquarters and its Knin office are expected to be operational before the end of July and the Vukovar office will start functioning as from the middle of August. In the meantime, the Mission is working out of Hotel I in Zagreb, tel. +385-1-614 1222.