Press release issued by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly

VIENNA, 19 November 2009 - The following is a press release issued by the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly today. The views expressed in this press release do not necessarily reflect those of the OSCE Chairmanship, nor of all OSCE participating States.
President Soares urges deepening dialogue on European security
VIENNA, 19 November 2009 - In his address to the OSCE Permanent Council, the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly President Joao Soares today urged a "deepening dialogue on European security issues" and that all OSCE participating States "embrace this unique opportunity."
We should be "at the forefront of change" and "use modern thinking to overcome our current challenges," Mr. Soares said. Commending the Greek Chairmanship for its initiatives and stewardship, he also pleaded for leaving Cold War thinking behind and for reviving the spirit of Helsinki, adding that "it seems that the Corfu Process has at least seen some good will in this direction. This needs to be continued."
In his speech, which was the second time he addressed the Permanent Council after having been elected OSCE PA President in July 2008, Mr. Soares also expressed his hope that the opportunity offered by the Corfu Process will "be used to consider improved transparency within the OSCE," and as in each democratic participating State, "parliamentary oversight is vital in international organizations, as we must always be accountable to the people serve and whose tax money we spend."
He said that the Helsinki process has been about opening up societies and about dialogue but that it is "not in line" with the Helsinki spirit that the Permanent Council conducts its work behind closed doors. He said "PC meetings need to open up and allow for the presence of the press and the interested public."
For the Parliamentary Assembly, Mr. Soares underlined that election observation will continue to be a priority area and that "adherence to the 1997 Co-operation Agreement with the ODIHR continues to be the key to good and successful cooperation within the OSCE family on election observation."
Mr. Soares, who last week visited Kazakhstan, also welcomed the incoming Kazakh Chairmanship of the OSCE and he expressed his support for the idea of convening an OSCE Summit next year.