Weekly update from the OSCE Observer Mission at Russian Checkpoints Gukovo and Donetsk based on information as of 08:00 (Moscow time), 17 September 2014
KAMENSK-SHAKHTINSKY, Russian Federation,17 September – The Observer Mission (OM) is operating at full capacity. Cross-border traffic flows remained steady at both Border Crossing Points (BCPs). Similar to the previous week, more people left the Russian Federation (RF) for Ukraine at the two observed BCPs. The total number of border-crossings remained at increased levels, particularly at Donetsk BCP. The OM observed considerable numbers of persons in camouflage clothing crossing the border. The majority of them entered the RF from Ukraine, especially at Donetsk BCP.
OM’s arrival, establishment and observation work
Sixteen international observers continued to provide a permanent presence at the two BCPs of Donetsk and Gukovo. After the departure of a financial assistant on 12 September, the OM is now operating with 18 staff members (including two administrative assistants). This vacancy, which will be filled on 24 September, does not impact the OM’s observation work at the BCPs. With the exception of the Acting Chief Observer, who has yet to be replaced by a to-be-selected chief observer, all observers are scheduled to perform their defined duties until the end of the OM’s mandate on 23 October 2014.
Cross-border movements common to both BCPs
The profile of the people crossing the border remains unchanged and can be categorised as follows:
- Families on foot or by car with a lot of luggage;
- Elderly people with few bags;
- Adults (usually of younger age) with no luggage or empty cars;
- People wearing military-style clothes with or without backpacks.
The average number of entries/exits has further increased from 7,822 during the previous week to 9,420 per day for both BCPs during this reporting period. The OM has observed that the majority of people continued to cross the border from the Russian Federation (RF) to Ukraine although numbers of entries and exits have begun to converge. The majority of border-crossers have been going back into Ukraine with an average net flow of minus 1,238 per day for both BCPs in the last week and 8,665 people have returned to Ukraine through both BCPs. Again Donetsk BCP consistently experienced more traffic than Gukovo BCP. The cross-border movements registered at both BCPs account for 43 percent of all the Rostov Oblast’s entries/exits.
The majority of the vehicles crossing the border have number plates issued in the Luhansk region.
Common observations at the BCPs
The situation at both BCPs remained calm. People crossing the border regularly talk to the Observer Teams (OTs) and continue to describe the situation in the Luhansk region as dire. People travelling to Ukraine frequently shared their view about the ceasefire. Most were sceptical and expressed their fear that fighting might resume this week. However, interlocutors also stated that the intensity of fighting and shelling has significantly declined during the reporting period.
The OTs continued to receive numerous accounts of severe destruction caused by artillery and mortar fire, which resulted in the interruption of water, gas and electricity supplies. Against the background of the destroyed infrastructure, interlocutors frequently mentioned the upcoming wintertime as a major concern. Many of the ‘returnees’ stated that they went back to the Luhansk region to check whether their homes had been damaged or destroyed, and to collect warm clothing and other items needed for winter. The OM also met a significant number of returning people, in particular families with children, who stated that they would move to other locations in Ukraine but not to their home places.
Throughout the week, the OT's noticed a steady increase of young people (both men and women) wearing military-style dress crossing the border in both directions but did not observe any weapons among these groups. The observers counted a total number of 455 persons. Most of them were entering the RF from Ukraine at Donetsk BCP. The OTs had regular interactions with supporters of the self-proclaimed republics.
Military movement
Throughout the week, day and night, the OTs heard the sound of propeller aircraft in the vicinity of the BCPs. During daylight and favourable weather conditions, the OTs observed the reoccurring appearance of a four engine turboprop airplane flying at high altitude. At both BCPs smaller aircrafts, which the OTs were unable to positively identify, were following the same flight patterns in very regular schedules with intervals varying from 18 to 25 minutes.
There was no helicopter observed at either of the BCPs. Within the limitations of observing aircraft without technical means, the OTs assessed that the aircraft did not violate the Ukrainian airspace in the vicinity of the BCPs.
Observation at the Gukovo BCP
The traffic flows at Gukovo BCP remained at the same levels compared to last week. A daily average of 3,256 entries and exits was recorded, which accounted for 15 percent of all entries/exits into the Rostov region. However, the net flow, i.e. the balance of entries and exits, continued to be negative for the third week in a row, with a daily average of 320 persons leaving the RF. This statistic clearly indicates a return movement into Ukraine.
The usage of the previously reported firing range near Gukovo BCP has apparently ceased in the last week and the OTs did not hear any related shooting.
The OM observed 33 persons in military-style clothing crossing the border in both directions at Gukovo BCP.
On 12 and 15 September, Gukovo BCP was temporarily closed and people waiting for entrance into the BCP were asked to leave the area due to the clearing of unexploded ordnance (UXO) in its vicinity. The observers heard explosions and saw plumes of smoke.
Observation at the Donetsk BCP
During the reporting period, the activity at the Donetsk BCP has further increased compared to last week. The total number of border-crossings at Donetsk BCP was almost double that of Gukovo BCP. A daily average of 6,164 entries and exits was recorded, which accounted for 28 percent of all entries/exits in the Rostov region. The number of people entering the Russian Federation has increased during the reporting period but the net flow remained negative with 918 exits on average per day. Similar to the Gukovo BCP, these figures reflect a return movement into Ukraine.
The number of persons in military clothing who crossed the border has significantly increased. The OTs observed a total of 422 persons in military clothing, compared to 149 during the previous week. They crossed the border individually or in groups predominantly from Ukraine to the RF. The OTs also observed some of these people, visibly wounded, crossing back into the RF with white bandages and/or on crutches. The OTs also observed transfers of more seriously wounded persons by ambulances. Some people dressed in military style were accompanying the wounded. On 13 September, the OT observed the transfer of an aluminium coffin covered with a Russian flag from Ukraine to the RF.
The OTs heard three instances of artillery detonations. Compared to last week, the number of such occurrences has drastically decreased.
Russian convoy
On 12 and 13 September the OM observed the passage of 216 vehicles belonging to a Russian convoy to Ukraine and its return to the RF (see related Spot Reports). The convoy was solely cleared by Russian border guards and customs officers without participation of the Ukrainian border guard and custom service officials who are still staying in a camp next to the Donetsk BCP. Also, the OM did not observe the presence of International Committee of the Red Cross representatives.