Joint Opinion on the Draft Electoral Law of the Kyrgyz Republic
In March 2014 the authorities of the Kyrgyz Republic asked the Organization for Security and Co-operation in Europe’s Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (OSCE/ODIHR) to provide an opinion on the draft law “On Elections in the Kyrgyz Republic” (hereinafter “the draft law”, CDL-REF(2014)014), giving particular consideration to the draft law’s compatibility with international standards and OSCE commitments in three areas: establishment of electoral districts under the proportional representation system, preference voting, and quotas for women and persons belonging to national minorities on lists of candidates. As these three areas have been specifically identified in the request for this joint opinion, they are addressed under the discussion on the electoral system for the distribution of parliamentary mandates. The OSCE/ODIHR and the Venice Commission decided to provide a joint legal opinion on the draft Code.
Review of Electoral Legislation and Practice in OSCE Participating States, 15 October 2013
On 25 January 2013, the Chairperson of the OSCE Permanent Council requested the Director of ODIHR to conduct an extra-budgetary project that would review major areas of electoral legislation and practice in the OSCE participating States in view of their implementation of the provisions of the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document. ODIHR agreed to undertake this review on the basis of ODIHR election-related reports published in the years 2010, 2011 and 2012, analyzed against OSCE commitments (principally the 1990 OSCE Copenhagen Document) as well as other international standards for democratic elections and good electoral practice. Given the limited resources, the selected timeframe ensures that the review covers as many participating States as possible and that the information drawn upon would be the most up-to-date and minimize duplication.