International election observers to Armenia’s early parliamentary elections to hold press conference on Monday
YEREVAN, 18 June 2021 – International election observers will hold a press conference to present their findings on Monday following the early parliamentary elections in Armenia.
NB Due to social distancing requirements, only a limited number of journalists can attend the press conference in person. All others will have the opportunity to watch and ask questions via Zoom. Broadcast media wishing to film the press conference will be prioritized for personal attendance.
- A news conference of the international election observation mission to the early parliamentary elections in Armenia
- The press conference can be attended in person or via Zoom (details below)
- You can also follow the livestream on and
- Margareta Cederfelt, Special co-ordinator and leader of the short-term OSCE observer mission
- George Katrougalos, Head of the PACE delegation
- Kari Henriksen, Head of the OSCE PA delegation
- Eoghan Murphy, Head of the ODIHR election observation mission
- 15.00 local time (GMT +4) on 21 June 2021
- Tigran Mets Ballroom, Armenia Marriott Hotel Yerevan, 1 Amiryan Street, Yerevan
- To take part via Zoom, please register by 10:00 local time on 21 June using this link.
The international election observation is a joint mission of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), the OSCE Parliamentary Assembly (OSCE PA), and the Parliamentary Assembly of the Council of Europe (PACE). The mission totals 353 observers from 37 countries, including 249 ODIHR-deployed experts, long-term and short-term observers, 80 parliamentarians and staff from the OSCE PA, and 24 from PACE.
For more information, please contact:
Katya Andrusz, ODIHR: +48 609 522 266 or
Nat Parry, OSCE PA: +45 60 10 81 77 or
Bogdan Torcatoriu, PACE: +33 6 50 39 29 40 or