OSCE/ODIHR launches new guides on freedom of assembly and association

The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) presented two new guides to promote respect for the freedom of assembly and association in the margins of the annual OSCE human rights conference in Warsaw on 27 September 2011.
“We continue to witness undue restrictions to the enjoyment of freedom to peaceful assembly. The same is true with the freedom to associate, as obstacles continue to be faced by associations, in particular human rights non-governmental organizations,” said Snježana Bokulić, the head of ODIHR’s human rights department.
ODIHR developed - a handbook on monitoring respect for freedom of peaceful assembly and an online resource guide on the freedom of association - to help civil society working with government authorities to ensure greater adherence to international standards in law and practice.
The handbook is a practical tool to help NGOs collect reliable first-hand information through the monitoring of public gatherings and is a result of monitoring projects ODIHR has conducted with national NGOs..
Assiociationline.org, the online resource guide, offers policymakers, legislators and civil society representatives direct access to information on international standards relating to freedom of association, with a special focus on NGOs. It also provides relevant jurisprudence and examples of good practices with respect to NGO legislation.