Guidance on establishing and maintaining National Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Councils (NSTACs) - Virtual Launch
Organized by
The event aims to:
- Familiarize OSCE participating States, civil society, international organizations and survivor leaders with the concept of NSTACs and the importance of ethical survivor inclusion;
- Showcase the new policy guidance and its key components;
- Highlight practical tools and effective practices to support the establishment of NSTACs; and
- Present recommended standards for establishing NSTACs.
Derived from the recommended standard of the ODIHR National Referral Mechanism Handbook – second edition (NRM Handbook), a national advisory body composed of human trafficking Survivor Leaders should be established to support the work of each participating State’s NRM. This body provides advice on all aspects of NRM structures, service delivery and procedures, as well as anti-trafficking legislation, governmental policymaking, public awareness-raising, provision of education and training, and ensuring high standards of frontline support for victims and survivors.
Commitments of OSCE participating States for recognition of survivor leaders’ lived experience and professional background in OSCE anti-trafficking efforts have been stated in Ministerial Council Decisions 6/18, 6/17 and 7/17.
The event will be conducted via videoconference (Zoom), bringing together the OSCE anti-trafficking community. Please register via this link to join the event.
Opening remarks:
- Dr. Tea Jaliashvili, First Deputy Director, OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR)
Keynote Speakers:
- Dr. Kari Johnstone, OSCE Special Representative and Co-ordinator on Combating Trafficking in Human Beings
- Jeanne Celestine Lakin, Chair of the ODIHR International Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Council (ISTAC)
Presentation of the Guidance on establishing and maintaining National Survivors of Trafficking Advisory Councils (NSTACs)
Lead consultants:
- Dr. Suamhirs Piraino-Guzman
- Rachel Witkin
Panel of speakers:
- Jane Lasonder, Vice-Chair, ODIHR ISTAC
- Itohan Okundaye, Member of ODIHR ISTAC
- Katerina Stephanou, LLM, Founder, Step Up Stop Slavery, Cyprus
Andrew Gardner, ODIHR Acting Head of Human Rights Department