Preventing and Addressing Gender-Based Violence in Places of Deprivation of Liberty: Training for Penitentiary Officers
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ODIHR, together with the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan and the National Human Rights Centre of Uzbekistan, is organizing a three-day training course for penitentiary officers from across the country on preventing and addressing sexual and gender-based violence in places of deprivation of liberty. The training aims to raise awareness, provide information and encourage action on this issue.
Topics to be addressed will include an introduction to sexual and gender-based violence; an introduction to international standards and instruments; and ways to reduce risk in correctional facilities, with a practical approach to issues such as body searches, accommodation and medical screenings.
The training will be based on ODIHR’s publication “Preventing and Addressing Sexual and Gender-based Violence in Places of Deprivation of Liberty: Standards, Approaches and Examples from the OSCE Region”. On the occasion of the training, ODIHR and the OSCE Project Coordinator in Uzbekistan will launch and present the translation of this publication in the Uzbek language.