Countering racism, xenophobia and hate crimes against migrants at borders focus of OSCE/ODIHR event in Zagreb

Addressing hate crimes and other violations of the human rights of migrants at borders in South-Eastern Europe, including abuses motivated by racism and xenophobia, was the topic of discussion at an expert meeting in Zagreb on 16 and 17 April 2019. The OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) organized the event in co-operation with the Office of the Ombudswoman of the Republic of Croatia.
The 45 participants (30 women and 15 men) from ten OSCE participating States included representatives of national governments, local authorities, national and international civil society organizations and migrant communities.
“There is increased evidence that the fundamental human rights of migrants are at risk when they cross borders,” said Christie Edwards, Deputy Head of ODIHR’s Tolerance and Non-Discrimination Department. “OSCE participating States must do more to address racism and xenophobia targeting migrants, as well as hate crimes against both migrants and civil society organizations assisting them. It is imperative that the states protect migrants’ right to life, prohibit arbitrary detention in border management procedures and apply the principle of ‘non-refoulement’, which forbids forced return to countries where the person faces threats to her or his life or freedom.”
“States have made a comprehensive set of commitments to address racism, xenophobia, intolerance and discrimination,” said Tena Šimonović Einwalter, Deputy Ombudswoman of Croatia. "Building effective partnerships and strengthening dialogue and co-operation between civil society and state authorities at events such as this one are essential to accomplishing this goal.”
The participants also discussed how to monitor detention conditions and instances of forced return as well as civil society efforts to address violations of the human rights of migrants at the border, including racism, xenophobia and hate crimes against migrants. The discussion also centred on obstacles preventing civil society actors from providing assistance to migrants in the region, as well as on tools and initiatives offered by ODIHR and other stakeholders to help address the issue.