Stronger collaboration between researchers and practitioners focus of first Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy organized by ODIHR and European Consortium for Political Research
The first Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy, organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) and the European Consortium for Political Research (ECPR), took place in Warsaw from 9 to 15 July 2018.
The Summer School brought together MA and PhD researchers, practitioners and civil society leaders in the field of political parties and democratic governance from selected OSCE participating States. Throughout the week, 13 experts (seven women and six men) and 20 participants (14 women and six men) discussed a wide range of analytical perspectives on the study of political parties, party systems, elections, representative democracy and related areas, and the practical implications of these for democracy support efforts.
Marcin Walecki, Head of the ODIHR Democratization Department, stressed the vital importance of supporting the creation of a network of scholars and assistance providers working in the field of political parties and democracy.
“Improving mutual understanding between academics and practitioners working in the field of political party support is essential to reaching more effective outcomes and strengthening the quality of our democracies,” Walecki said. “By organizing the Summer School on Political Parties and Democracy, ODIHR helps establish platforms for collaboration between researchers and practitioners in the field. We look forward to continuing this work in the years to come.”
Topics discussed during the Summer School covered some of the core areas of ODIHR’s work, such as political party regulation, political corruption, elections and campaign financing, as well as the political participation of women, youth and persons with disabilities.
“Participants have certainly benefited from the innovative approach and unique design of the ECPR/ODIHR Summer School,” said Karolina Leakovic, a participant and leader of the Social Democratic Women's Forum in Croatia. “Discussions stemming from diverse experiences, practitioners’ case studies as well as academic research proved to be timely and relevant. In present times democracies across the OSCE participating States need people committed to advancing democratic values, and so do political parties.”
The Summer School was organized in partnership with Cardinal Stefan Wyszynski University in Warsaw and the Research Centre for the Study of Parties and Democracy at the University of Nottingham in the United Kingdom.