Gender-sensitive approaches to government communication explored during OSCE/ODIHR workshop in Kyiv

Twenty-two representatives of the Ukrainian Ministry for Social Policy participated in a workshop on mainstreaming gender into communication organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights in Kyiv on 25 November 2016.
The workshop aimed to assist government officials in finding effective ways to include a gender perspective into their internal and external communication. The event enhanced the participants’ understanding of how predominant social assumptions and communication norms can devalue and silence women and other non-dominant groups and how they can become agents of change to promote gender equality.
"Lively debate, discussion and disagreement on issues have been encouraged during the workshop,” said Kateryna Ryabiko, Project Co-ordinator at ODIHR. “Meanwhile, respect for all people, their opinions and understanding of different experiences from a female or male perspective are essential to understanding the concept and the benefits of gender mainstreaming as a tool to promote and achieve gender equality.”
In accordance with the 2004 OSCE Action Plan for the Promotion of Gender Equality, ODIHR is tasked to promote equality between women and men throughout the OSCE area, including through education in gender awareness.
The event was organized as part of ODIHR’s project on strengthening dialogue among civil society and with key government stakeholders in Ukraine on human dimension issues. It was launched in April 2015 with the aim of enhancing effective mechanisms for dialogue to address key human rights issues in the country, in line with OSCE commitments and international standards.