Political party legislation in Ukraine, focus of OSCE/ODIHR expert workshop

Reforming political party legislation in Ukraine was the focus of an expert workshop in Kyiv on 6 and 7 July 2016, jointly organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), International Foundation for Electoral Systems (IFES), the Ukrainian civil society organizations Agency for Legislative Initiatives (ALI) and the Civil Network "OPORA". The event was hosted by the National University of Kyiv-Mohyla Academy.
More than 80 experts, including representatives of the Ukrainian parliament, government, academia and civil society organizations, discussed trends and challenges in political party regulation, highlighting good practices and lessons learned over the past two decades, and contextualizing the reforms and challenges of the Ukrainian legislative framework in broader regional and international experience.
"Political parties are facing significant challenges in their ability to represent citizens and promote political participation across OSCE participating States," said Marcin Walecki, Head of ODIHR Democratization Department. "Transparency in party procedures and financing sources, their level of inclusiveness towards under-represented groups, and their ability to use new media to promote communication and accountability are all indispensable elements to ensure political pluralism and a vigorous democracy."
Sergii Leshchenko, Member of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, said: "Political parties in Ukraine suffer from low levels of trust, affecting the legitimacy of the entire institutional framework. Following last year’s workshop, this meeting represents an opportunity to continue the discussion with international and local experts on the political party legislation implemented in Ukraine and opportunities for reform."
The Workshop also addressed the issue of inclusiveness in political parties, looking into the promotion of women and persons with disabilities in policies and party structures.
In a video message from Judith E. Heumann, Special Advisor for International Disability Rights in the United States’ State Department, said: "Participating States should support political participation of persons with disabilities in political parties across the OSCE region."
Following the workshop, 20 Ukrainian journalists, media and civil society representatives will participate in a one-day training event on Money in Politics, offering a general overview of the issue of political party and campaign financing, and focusing on the findings of the workshop and detailed aspects of the political party legislation adopted in Ukraine.
The workshop and the subsequent training workshop were organized within the framework of ODIHR’s project on "Strengthening dialogue among civil society and with key government stakeholders in Ukraine".