OSCE/ODIHR event in Kyiv stresses importance of adopting code of conduct for Ukraine parliamentarians

The importance and the benefits of adopting and implementing a code of conduct for members of the Verkhovna Rada, Ukraine’s parliament, as an essential element in securing public trust and transparency was the focus of a parliamentary hearing co-organized by the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR) on 17 December 2015 in Kyiv.
The event, organized by ODIHR and the USAID RADA Project in partnership with Ukrainian Parliament’s Committees on Rules and Procedures and on Fight Against Corruption and Organized Crime, brought together Members of the Ukrainian Parliament, as well as parliamentary staff and civil society representatives.
Participants discussed the findings of the ODIHR-commissioned focus group study, Problems of Parliamentary Ethics in Public Opinion Polling, as well as the importance of developing standards of professional and ethical behavior for parliamentarians. Following the presentation of ODIHR’s background study Professional and Ethical Standards for Parliamentarians, participants explored the many challenges in developing, agreeing and implementing such standards in Ukraine and across the OSCE region.
"ODIHR has a long-standing commitment and expertise in the field of ethical standards for parliamentarians," said Kateryna Ryabiko, Project Co-coordinator at ODIHR. "Our Office is ready to continue supporting the parliament of Ukraine with developing and implementing a code of conduct for members of parliament."
Yehor Soboliev, Head of Committee on Corruption Prevention and Counteraction of the Verkhovna Rada of Ukraine, said: "A prerequisite for a functioning democracy is that there are reliable and accountable democratic institutions. Adopting and enforcing standards for parliamentary ethics is, therefore, essential, not least for Ukraine."
To strengthen the dialogue and sharing of international good practices, members of parliament and experts from Slovenia, Sweden and the United Kingdom also took part in the event.
Christopher Chope, Member of the UK House of Commons, said: "Professional and ethical standards for parliamentarians are key to enhancing trust, as well as to strengthening good governance, public integrity and the rule of law. It is essential that these standards are applied objectively and impartially and, therefore, normally by consensus."
The event was organized as part of the ODIHR’s 'Strengthening Dialogue among Civil Society and with Key Governmental Stakeholders in Ukraine' project, which was launched in April 2015 with the goal of enhancing effective mechanisms for dialogue to address key human rights issues in Ukraine, in line with OSCE commitments and international standards.