ODIHR Director says recent legislative changes could undermine Moldova’s democratic achievements
WARSAW, 7 May 2013 – The Director of the OSCE Office for Democratic Institutions and Human Rights (ODIHR), Ambassador Janez Lenarčič today warned that the manner in which recent legislative changes were introduced in Moldova ran counter to the country’s rule of law commitments and threatened to undermine its achievements so far in developing a pluralistic democratic system.
“The changes to legislation regarding the removal of Constitutional Court judges and to the electoral code, in particular, were passed within a short time frame and with a lack of sufficient consultation,” Lenarčič said. “All political actors have to work together to ensure that the principles of democratic law-making and an independent judiciary, as well as a level electoral playing field for all political parties and candidates, are guaranteed.”
He emphasized that, as an OSCE participating State, Moldova has committed itself to enact all legislation, including that affecting democratic institutions, in an inclusive, transparent and consultative manner.
The most recent changes to legislation included giving the Parliament the power to remove Constitutional Court judges, and the raising of the electoral threshold of votes parties must get to gain representation in the parliament from four to six per cent.