OSCE Mission to Moldova trains lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River on addressing discrimination

The OSCE Mission to Moldova organized a summer school on 15-17 July 2016 for 25 lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River aimed at enhancing their ability to represent individuals who have been subject to discrimination. The summer school was held at Vadul-lui-Vodă, a town by the river.
Participants in the summer school studied various types and instances of discrimination, as well as the existing legal criteria for combating discriminatory actions and practices. In particular, the discussions focused on stereotypes and prejudices that can lead to the unequal treatment of people and looked at the latest trends in international case law addressing discrimination. Participants also had the opportunity to test their understanding of discrimination by taking part in mock scenarios involving gender, linguistic and ethnic bias and hate speech.
“The problem of discrimination is very relevant in our current environment,” said Nicolae Radita of the Roma National Centre. “The summer school training has provided me with the tools to prevent and combat discrimination more effectively in my day-to-day work.”
Yan Feldman, Chairperson of Moldova’s Equality Council also participated in the summer school and updated participants on recent issues arising out of the Council’s work.
This event is part of a year-long OSCE project that aims to facilitate the exchange of experiences among lawyers from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River.