OSCE Mission to Moldova organizes seminar on local-level advocacy for NGOs

On 5 and 6 June 2015, the OSCE Mission to Moldova held a seminar for civil society representatives from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River. The event took place in Vadul lui Vodă, a town by the river, and provided participants with the opportunity to develop their advocacy and awareness-raising skills in order to tackle local-level problems and promote social change in their communities.
Taking part in the event were 28 representatives of local organizations and initiative groups active on a range of issues, including community development, national minorities, social inclusion, youth and the environment.
“Although the concept of ‘advocacy’ is often used by NGO representatives, not everyone fully understands its meaning,” said Galina Burlaca, a participant from Bender. “Advocacy is not limited to rights protection, but also refers to the active participation of citizens in decision-making processes. Advocacy is also most effective when different groups co-operate – only by campaigning together can we eliminate inequality and learn to listen to each other,” she added.
The seminar was organized at the request of grassroots organizations involved in the Mission’s on-going project on “Building Effective Partnerships – Engaging Civil Society in the Conflict Resolution Process.” The overall goal of the project is to build confidence between people on both banks and to heighten awareness of local issues among stakeholders. The active participation of civil society in the dialogue contributes to the ability of the sides to find a lasting political settlement that will better adhere to the everyday needs of citizens.