OSCE Mission to Serbia announces winners of its 2018 Person of the Year Award

BELGRADE, 4 December 2018 – Aleksandar Alimpić, Governor of the Sremska Mitrovica Correctional Institution; Mileva Malesić, Director of TV Forum from Prijepolje, Dejana Milijić Subić, Deputy Director of the Institute for the Improvement of Education; and Dragomir Milojević, President of the Supreme Court of Cassation will be presented with the 2018 OSCE Mission to Serbia’s Person of the Year Award at a ceremony today in Belgrade.
This award celebrates citizens of Serbia who contribute to the promotion of OSCE values in the country.
Aleksandar Alimpić, Governor of the Sremska Mitrovica Correctional Institution, has shown exceptional openness to innovative approaches in the rehabilitation and reintegration of offenders into society, leading to the reduced risk of them reoffending. For example, his institution is implementing a project where inmates run a dog shelter and prepare the dogs for adoption, while at the same time acquiring professional skills and helping to alleviate the problem of stray dogs in Sremska Mitrovica.
Mileva Malesić, Director of TV Forum, Prijepolje, receives the award for encouraging professional and quality news reporting among young journalists. Malešić has also significantly contributed to the activities of Lokal Press, an association of local media, by organizing debates on the status and the future prospects of local media in Serbia, the role of women in the media, and improving media literacy.
Dejana Milijić Subić, Deputy Director of the Institute for the Improvement of Education, is recognized for her outstanding engagement in drafting and updating the curricula and learning outcomes for teaching and learning of Serbian as a non-mother tongue. Milijić Subić was the driving force behind the reform in this domain, contributing to the improvement of Serbian language proficiency among national minorities and thereby enhancing their social inclusion.
Dragomir Milojević, President of the Supreme Court of Cassation, is awarded the distinction for his dedication to the independence, accountability and efficiency of the judiciary. He has consistently emphasized the importance of inclusive debates among all stakeholders on draft constitutional amendments regarding the judiciary. In the constitutional reform process, he played a decisive role in keeping the issue of judicial independence in focus.