OSCE Mission to Serbia supports creation of more efficient administrative judiciary system in Serbia
Some 40 high-level judicial officials from ten European countries gathered at an international conference in Belgrade on 21 and 22 September 2017 to discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the existing administrative judiciary systems in their respective states.
The conference was organized by the OSCE Mission to Serbia in close partnership with the Administrative Court of Serbia. It was conceived as an introduction into the broad restructuring process of the Serbian administrative judiciary, expected to start by the end of 2017.
During the event, high-level participants from Austria, Czech Republic, Greece, Hungary, Italy, Poland, Romania, Serbia, Slovakia and Slovenia exchanged experiences and participated in peer-to-peer discussions that could provide guidance for Serbian authorities in the process of the reform of the Serbian judiciary from a one-tier to a multi- tier system.
The conference also included discussions on the legal remedies in administrative disputes and promoted rule of law principles that form the basis of administrative justice concept such as legality, transparency, accountability, accessibility, the right to be heard, and the right to appeal.
This conference is part of the OSCE Mission to Serbia’s wider efforts to support the creation of a more efficient administrative judiciary and better protection of human rights in line with the National Judicial Reform Strategy and the Public Administration Reform Strategy.