Members of Serbian National Assembly attend OSCE Mission to Serbia course on defence and security issues
BELGRADE, 23 May 2017 – The OSCE Mission to Serbia, in partnership with the National School of Defence of the Military Academy, launched today in Belgrade a course on defence and security issues for some 20 members of the Serbian National Assembly.
The course aims to improve the knowledge and expertise of the members of the parliamentary committees on defence and internal affairs, and control of security services. It will focus on key security-related issues from national and international perspectives, thus enhancing the Parliament’s oversight of the security sector.
“The importance of this course is two-fold: on one hand, it will expose members of parliament and staffers of the two committees to expertise in the areas of their work. On the other, it will set conditions for the future introduction of more permanent in-house training mechanisms on defence and security issues,” said the Head of the OSCE Mission to Serbia’s Democratization Department, Jan Lueneburg.
The training course is part of a long-term OSCE Mission to Serbia initiative related to enhancing security sector reform in Serbia, supported by the Swedish International Development Co-operation Agency.