OSCE Mission and RYCO Local Branch continue to strengthen NGOs in Montenegro

Crafting project applications on youth mobility, co-operation, activism and intercultural learning was the focus of a three-day capacity building training course, the Regional Youth Cooperation Office (RYCO) Local Branch Office in Montenegro organized with the support of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro from 14 to 17 November in Bar.
Fourteen NGO representatives from different parts of Montenegro strengthened their capacities in project proposal writing. Participants acquired information on how to develop project proposals and budgets, conduct youth exchanges, establish regional partnerships and ensure project visibility.
In her opening remarks, Siv-Katrine Leirtroe, Deputy Head of Mission, emphasized that the OSCE Mission is proud to be one of the first institutional supporters of RYCO, recognizing the importance of youth engagement and youth connections in the region as a key factor to peace and stability. “Among many joint activities that the Mission and RYCO Local Branch Office have implemented, I would underline seven capacity building trainings for potential grant applicants from Montenegro, gathering 160 participants, representatives of secondary schools and CSOs, some of whom later were shortlisted or awarded RYCO grants”, said Leirtroe.
Bojana Lalatović, Program Officer of RYCO Local Branch Office stated: “Our goal extends beyond the training room. It is about empowering NGOs across Montenegro, nurturing their potential to drive meaningful change. The high number of participants in the training course, coupled with positive evaluations, demonstrates the success of their workshops”.
Together with RYCO, the Mission recognizes the role of youth in Montenegro, and will continue to promote the spirit of reconciliation, dialogue and co-operation between them, enhancing youth participation and mobility.