OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports shelter for survivors of domestic and gender-based violence

On 15 June 2022, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro supported the NGO SOS Helpline Nikšić, a shelter for women and children survivors of domestic and gender-based violence, by assisting them in extending their facility licenses, as well as donated bedroom, dining and living room furniture to improve the living conditions of survivors of violence.
Nataša Međedović, Executive Coordinator of NGO SOS Helpline Nikšić, thanked the Mission for this valuable donation, which, she said, will help the shelter meet the requirements for extending the license. “In addition to ensuring safety to the victims within the shelter, this furniture will make their accommodation more comfortable and will help them adapt to new living arrangements at difficult moments in their lives,” said Međedović.
Siv-Katrine Leirtroe, Deputy Head of the Mission, said that shelters are essential in providing specialized support and protection to survivors of domestic violence and improving their well-being. “I believe that this donation ensures that the shelter continues to provide safe refuge to women and their children from domestic and gender-based violence in line with relevant national and international standards and good practices,” said Leirtroe.
She added that violence against women and girls is not a personal problem, to be implicitly or explicitly dismissed and not reported. “The Mission will continue to closely co-operate with civil society and institutions supporting zero tolerance within the society towards violence against women and girls. This requires everyone to take immediate and decisive actions in order to prevent and eradicate this societal issue,” said Leirtroe.