OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports drafting the Law on Production of Weapons and Military Equipment

From April to June 2022, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro provided support in drafting the Law on Production of Weapons and Military Equipment, the first law of its kind in Montenegro since its independence.
On 14 and 15 April, and on 2 and 3 June 2022, the OSCE-engaged expert Wolf-Christian Paes supported the working group made up of representatives of the Ministry of Economic Development, Ministry of Defence and Ministry of Interior in drafting a law compliant with international standards and best practices.
The Law was designed to ensure weapons production in Montenegro is regulated to increase safety, environmental protection and transparency in the production process, and to decrease the possibility of diversion into illicit flows.
In the following period, the draft Law on Production of Weapons and Military Equipment will be sent to relevant ministries for further consideration. The law will go through a process of public discussions before being considered for adoption by the Government and the Parliament.