OSCE Mission to Montenegro launches campaign against gender stereotypes

“We don’t share stereotypes, we share responsibilities” is the title of the campaign the OSCE Mission to Montenegro launched in co-operation with the Directorate for Gender Equality of the Ministry of Justice, Human and Minority Rights on 29 November 2021.
The Mission assisted the Directorate with the campaign regarding stereotypes on roles, responsibilities and expected behaviors of women and men in the family. It produced three video spots that will be published on social networks and broadcast on three national TV stations in Montenegro over the next two weeks.
The campaign asks for equal division of family roles and responsibilities and calls on men to become active participants in household and child-rearing responsibilities. The campaign aims to raise awareness and contribute to improving women’s social status, autonomy and equal opportunities to participate in public life.
The campaign follows recommendations of the Committee on the Elimination of Discrimination against Women (CEDAW), with the aim to discourage traditional attitudes that frequently assign women traditional family roles, while considering fathers head of family.
The OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports the transformative work on gender mainstreaming, with the public administration and the general public.
SPOT 1 - https://youtu.be/JoOGVR68fN0
SPOT 2 - https://youtu.be/VPd-1WmDDcI
SPOT 3 - https://youtu.be/s54tVQfkeNM