OSCE-organized workshop for criminal justice practitioners focuses on international co-operation and mutual legal assistance in asset recovery in Montenegro
An online training course on international co-operation in asset recovery and cross-border collaboration prior to and during the mutual legal assistance process, for criminal justice practitioners from Montenegro, was held from 2 to 4 February 2021.
The workshop updated participants on the latest global intelligence developments in asset recovery. International experts introduced and discussed the concept of tactical and strategic use of intelligence development to support filing and submission of mutual legal assistance requests. Participants gained knowledge on effective intelligence sharing mechanisms and a number of regional and global platforms that can facilitate cross-border information sharing in asset recovery cases.
An interactive and immersive exercise tailored specifically for the Montenegrin participants was included. The exercise was based on a case study where participants were divided into groups and discussed strategies based on documents and other information provided during a simulated investigation. They were required to demonstrate strategic, tactical and critical thinking concerning an evolving transnational crime case. This allowed participants to apply theory and practical skills taught during the training.
The workshop was held as part of a training series that the Office of the Co-ordinator of Economic and Environmental Activities and the Transnational Threats Department organized in the framework of the OSCE extra budgetary project “Strengthening the fight against transnational organized crime in South-Eastern Europe through improved regional co-operation in asset seizure, confiscation, management and re-use”.
The cross-dimensional project is funded by the United States Department of State, Italy, Germany and the United Kingdom.