OSCE Mission to Montenegro presents results of “Prevention of early marriages among vulnerable groups” project
The results of the project on prevention of early marriages among vulnerable groups were presented at an event organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro on 14 November 2019 in Podgorica.
The project was funded by the French Permanent Mission to the OSCE and implemented by the OSCE Mission together with its partner NGO “Centre for Roma Initiatives”. Starting in March, it included a series of training sessions for women activists, Roma and Egyptian women, as well as representatives of state and local institutions. The participants discussed prevention and suppression of early marriages, causes and consequences of domestic violence and services provided by confidential persons.
During the project implementation, more than 100 participants from institutions and communities, including 72 Roma and Egyptian women, showed a high level of interest in participating in thediscussions, but also pointed out the necessity for further and continuous work.
The participants emphasized that gender-based violence and early marriages were still present in their communities, and that it was necessary to continue with prevention and suppression.
Lia Magnaguagno, Democratization Programme Manager at the Mission, said that the project was in response to the 2012 to 2016 National Strategy for Improving the Position of Roma and Egyptians in Montenegro, where it identified that among the 850 Roma women interviewed, 90 per cent reported that they were married before their 16th birthday. “For those of you who participated in these training events, I hope you have the confidence to take the next step; to be role models in your communities. It is through your actions that others, particularly young women and girls, can follow you, building a stronger community together with more options and opportunities for Roma and Egyptian girls and young women,” said Magnaguagno
The project co-ordinator, Maja Šaćirović from the NGO “Centre for Roma Initiatives” said that the Institute for Social and Child Welfare and the Ministry of Labour and Social Welfare accredited some of the training courses. “This means that this issue of child marriages is recognized in the field of social and child protection,” said Šaćirović.
The project followed the 2015–2017 OSCE-supported project to raise awareness about early marriages among vulnerable groups, in particular Roma and Egyptian communities.