OSCE Mission to Montenegro marks the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists

The safety of journalists is of utmost importance for the work of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and it fully endorses the commitments made by Montenegro and other OSCE participating States at the OSCE Ministerial Council on the Safety of Journalists in December 2018.
To mark the International Day to End Impunity for Crimes against Journalists (2 November), the Mission delivered the final package of vests and jackets with the “PRESS” insignia to the local public broadcaster in Cetinje on 30 October. Three-hundred vests, ensuring additional visibility while reporting on live events, were distributed to 13 commercial and public service media houses throughout Montenegro over the last 2 years.
The Mission also launched a public awareness campaign on the importance of the safety of journalists and their right to work without fear and under safe conditions. A one-minute video will be broadcast on national television in Montenegro for several days.
As Daniel Blank, the OSCE Mission’s Media Programme Manager said, there are many ways in which crimes against journalists and the impunity of perpetrators can be prevented: “but the most important thing is the understanding and support by the general public, political actors and law enforcement institutions of the indispensable and valuable service journalists are providing to our democratic and open societies.”
This work complements the Mission’s commitment to support professionalism of the media in Montenegro.