OSCE Mission to Montenegro organized a two-day workshop on gender equality for media representatives
In order to support ethical and professional reporting, the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights organized a two-day workshop on gender equality for media representatives in Podgorica, on 22 and 23 November.
The two-day workshop, aimed at fostering a solid understanding of gender inequality, gathered 12 media representatives from seven Montenegrin municipalities. They discussed the role of the media in challenging gender roles and stereotypes and promoting gender equality.
“The most distinctive element of this gender equality workshop was the participants’ active engagement in the discussions. The workshops gave the opportunity to change attitudes and reduce stereotyping and prejudices,” said the expert Slavica Striković.
OSCE Democratization Programme Manager Lia Magnaguagno said that the OSCE Mission to Montenegro is firmly committed to promoting gender equality principles. “To ensure future sustainability in the area of gender mainstreaming, the Mission has worked in partnership with the Ministry for Human and Minority Rights’ Gender Equality Department. In line with the National Gender Equality Action Plan, this workshop is a result of this co-operation,” said Magnaguagno.
Participants provided constructive suggestions as to what they can do to challenge stereotypes in media reporting.
“I appreciate the continued commitment of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro to organizing training courses for Montenegrin media representatives. This was an excellent opportunity to meet print and electronic media representatives and talk about this important topic,” said RTCG journalist Dragana Mrkić.