Second training course for high schools and NGOs organized by OSCE Mission to Montenegro and Regional Youth Co-operation Office

Capacity-building training courses for 15 potential Regional Youth Co-operation Office (RYCO) applicants, held in the spirit of reconciliation among the youth in the region, were organized by the OSCE Mission to Montenegro and RYCO, from 4 to 7 November 2018 in Podgorica.
“The OSCE Mission sees RYCO as a key player within the region able to promote the spirit of reconciliation and co-operation amongst youth,” said OSCE Mission National Programme Officer Ivana Vujović.
The RYCO Local Branch Officer in Montenegro, Edin Koljenović, said: “This training course was created as a result of the recognition of the clear need to work on strengthening the capacity of non-governmental organizations and high schools to improve their project proposal writing skills.”
The first training course, for 23 potential RYCO applicants, was held in September. During both courses participants learned about inclusion of young people in public life, international youth exchanges, partnerships and elements of project development.
RYCO was founded in 2016 at the Western Balkans Sixth Summit in Paris as an independent institutional mechanism to promote the spirit of reconciliation and co-operation among youth in the region through exchange programmes.