OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports conference on European perspective on youth policy in Western Balkans
The OSCE Mission to Montenegro and the Directorate for Youth within the Ministry of Sport organized a regional conference entitled “The European perspective of the Western Balkan within the Berlin process” on 8 June 2018 in Budva.
The Conference gathered leaders of the Regional Youth Co-operation Office (RYCO), members of its Steering Committee, ambassadors from EU member states that are leading the Berlin Process, and other stakeholders responsible for the implementation of the RYCO initiative and the youth policy.
In her opening remarks the Head of the OSCE Mission to Montenegro, Maryse Daviet, said that “this event confirms Montenegro’s strong commitment to regional reconciliation, co-operation and good neighbouring policy as well as its clear EU choice in terms of strategic direction and shared values”.
The European perspective for the Western Balkans within the Berlin Process and the development of a Youth Agenda through RYCO was the focus of the discussion by over 45 participants. Comparative practices of the Franco-German Youth Office, former Baltic Sea Cooperation Office and RYCO were shared. Each organization had developed difference approaches, which enabled the participants to reflect on advantages and disadvantages of the respective methodologies and identify leading practices.
The OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports this activity within the framework of a project to further enhance the RYCO initiative in close partnership with the Directorate for Youth in the Montenegrin Ministry of Sports.