OSCE Mission to Montenegro supports call for proposals by Regional Youth Co-operation Office of the Western Balkans on regional reconciliation projects

The OSCE Mission to Montenegro supported the local branch of the Regional Youth Co-operation Office of the Western Balkans (RYCO) on 1 November 2017 in bringing together representatives from more than 40 NGOs at the premises of the Youth Centre in Podgorica.
The event aimed to inform participants about a call for proposals by the RYCO for projects that promote reconciliation within the region through further increasing youth mobility, co-operation and activism.
The overall aim is to inform around 300-350 potential applicants about the RYCO’s first call for proposals. Participants will also learn about the joint activities that will take place in 2017.
The event was one of 10 sessions organized by the Mission in partnership with the local branch of the RYCO, the local NGO Forum MNE and the Montenegrin Government’s Directorate for Youth, within the Ministry of Sports, targeting civil society and high schools.
Similar events have already taken place in Nikšić, Pljevlja, Berane, Rožaje, Plav, Cetinje and Budva. Further sessions will shortly take place in Herceg Novi and Ulcinj.