OSCE Mission to Moldova enhances dialogue between art students from both banks through series of workshops

On 12 November, the OSCE Mission to Moldova held its fourth art workshop for art students from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River. The needle felting workshop conducted by art educator Natalia Iampolskaia brought together 12 students at the Republican College of Fine Arts “Alexandru Plămădeală”, in Chisinau.
Since September, the OSCE Mission to Moldova engaged art students and teaching staff of the Republican College of Fine Arts “Alexandru Plămădeală” from Chisinau and the Bender Higher Education Art College “Victor Postoikin” into a series of joint educational events. 47 students from art colleges from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River participated in four practical workshops on graphic art, painting, mosaic and needle felting delivered by teaching artists Cornelii Bulat, Veaceslav Fisticanu, Olha Horbachenko and Natalia Iampolskaia.
Through demonstration and individual coaching, young women and men developed their skills in multiple art-making techniques and approaches. They received in-depth, one-on-one guidance from the professional artists, experimented with various artistic processes, worked different materials and surfaces, and created unique works of art.
The workshops were interactive and attracted interest from students and teaching staff of both educational art institutions.
“Interaction between educational institutions and participation in joint projects unite and open up the world. Such activities contribute to strengthening professors and students’ professional skills, and gives momentum for further development of art” said Bulat.
The events were organized within the framework of the Mission’s project “Promoting peace through arts on both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River” aimed at building confidence and trust between the art community from both banks.