OSCE Mission trains journalists to improve reporting on diversity and national minorities in Moldova

A group of journalists from both banks of the Dniester/Nistru River took part in a two-day workshop organized by the OSCE Mission to Moldova from 27 to 28 June in Chisinau. The workshop aimed to enhance their understanding of the specifics of reporting on diversity and national minorities. Representatives of the Moldovan Ministry of Education, Culture and Research, Bureau for Inter-ethnic Relations and Equality Council joined the event.
During the workshop, the participants learned how through their everyday work journalists can promote inclusive and pluralistic public discussion in multi-ethnic societies. They were also acquainted with the results of a recent media monitoring on hate speech and stereotypes related to national minorities in the Moldovan media. The monitoring was conducted by a Moldovan NGO, the Independent Journalism Centre (IJC). It was commissioned by the OSCE Mission ahead of the workshop.
“The monitoring showed that reporting on national minority issues by broadcasting and online media is in general ethical. However, reporting is rather superficial and in online comments posted by readers on mass media websites, inflammatory language and hate speech towards minority groups is frequent,” concluded IJC Director Nadine Gogu.
The presentation prompted a discussion about how stereotyping and discriminatory speech can pose a challenge to inter-ethnic peace. They reviewed international and local standards along with good practices in confronting these challenges. The workshop concluded with the development of a set of recommendations for mass media on best practices in facilitating intercultural dialogue in multi-ethnic societies.
“The training organized by the OSCE is constructive. As a result of this training I have realized that I am fully responsible for the content of the news stories I produce. This approach will ease the burden carried by the editor and will make my news stories more trustworthy,” said Andrei Cojocaru, a journalist from Balti.
This activity was conducted in co-operation with the Moldovan Broadcasting Council. It is part of the Mission’s support to the Moldovan authorities in implementing an action plan for the national Strategy for the Consolidation of Inter-ethnic Relations and advancing policies that make Moldova’s diversity a tangible strength and promote tolerance. These are important preconditions for the success of the Transdniestrian settlement process.