Social workers make unique contribution to society, says Head of OSCE Mission to BiH Berton on occasion of World Social Work Day
On the occasion of World Social Work Day, the OSCE Mission to Bosnia and Herzegovina (BiH) supported the Faculty of Political Sciences of the University of Sarajevo and the Association of Social Workers of the Federation of Bosnia in organizing the conference “Social Work in Education”, which concluded on 20 March 2018 in Sarajevo.
The focus of the conference was the role of social workers in education. In a time of newly emerging socio-pathological phenomena and potential threats to children and young people, conference participants concluded it is important to involve social workers in educational institutions.
Head of the OSCE Mission to BiH Bruce Berton emphasized the important role of social workers in the community: “Social workers make a unique contribution to society. Their knowledge and experience should be used in schools in order to contribute to the development of a system of quality and inclusive education that is in line with modern standards and that can prepare students for the 21st century.”
“Today, we want to draw attention to the requests of teachers to introduce expert teams in schools, which would include a social worker, to provide support to children at risk and their families,” said Mirnes Telalović, President of the Federation of the BiH Association of Social Workers.
The OSCE Mission to BiH continues to enhance the capacities of social protection professionals to improve the reach and effectiveness of their services as well as their capacity to advocate for needed policy changes.