OSCE Mission launches EU-funded regional project on trial monitoring of organized crime and corruption in Kosovo

The OSCE Mission in Kosovo and the European Union Office in Kosovo organized an online event on 21 July 2021 to launch a three-year EU funded regional project on “Supporting a More Effective Administration of Justice in Corruption and Organized Crime Cases in the Western Balkans through Trial Monitoring”. Representatives of civil society organizations and journalists attended.
The project aims to strengthen the rule of law in Kosovo by supporting effective processing of organized crime and corruption cases. Verifiable data about the administration of justice related to organized crime and corruption will be obtained, processed and analysed to define systemic problems and address recommendations. Results will be made public in late 2023.
This regional project originates from an agreement reached at the Sofia Summit in 2018 to introduce trial monitoring in corruption and organized crime. The Mission joins other OSCE field operations in Tirana, Podgorica, Sarajevo and Skopje in participating in the project, in close co-ordination with European Union Delegations.
Representatives of the EU Office in Kosovo and the Mission recognized the important role of the civil society and the media – who are stakeholders in this project – in providing oversight on the work of the judiciary, and valued close co-operation towards the common goal of strengthening the rule of law in Kosovo.
More details about the project can be found here: https://www.osce.org/node/490442