OSCE Mission delivers training to Police officers in northern Kosovo

A training session organized by the OSCE Mission on digital photography for 20 newly-appointed and long-serving Kosovo Police officers in the four northern municipalities concluded in Mitrovica/Mitrovicë on 17 September 2014.
The training focused on taking photographic evidence at crime scenes and accident sites which would be admissible in court proceedings and which in many cases is a first step in an investigation. The Mission also donated ten cameras to enable officers to respond to crime scenes properly equipped.
“Today’s training and the new cameras should enable police officers in northern Kosovo to respond to crime scenes quicker and with the equipment that they need,” said Head of the OSCE Mission in Kosovo, Ambassador Jean-Claude Schlumberger.
“We are pleased to be providing both the training and the equipment as local residents are the ones who will ultimately benefit from the improved skills of the police officers.”
The training was delivered at the request of the Kosovo Police Regional Command.
The OSCE Mission in Kosovo is mandated with human and community rights protection and promotion, democratization and public safety sector development. It delivers advanced and specialized training courses for law enforcement agencies.