OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities supports Lithuania’s efforts to promote diversity

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Kairat Abdrakhmanov underlined his continued good co-operation with the Lithuanian authorities during his visit to the country on 7 and 8 November 2022.
He met with Education, Science and Sports Minister Jurgita Šiugždinienė, Justice Minister Ewelina Dobrowolska, Vice Minister of Foreign Affairs Mantas Adomėnas, Deputy Speaker of the Seimas Radvilė Morkūnaitė-Mikulėnienė, Director of the Department of National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania Vida Montvydaitė, and representatives of national minority communities.
Abdrakhmanov said he supported the authorities’ efforts to promote diversity in Lithuania’s society and to ensure equal opportunities for everyone, irrespective of their origin. He said that mature democratic processes and institutions, as well as rule of law, are key safeguards for these processes.
He mentioned that consultative mechanisms and open dialogue between national minority communities and the authorities have led to important legislative changes, such as the law on the spelling of non-Lithuanian names and toponyms. He encouraged the authorities to maintain channels of communication with national minorities on all matters of relevance to them.
The High Commissioner also noted that innovative participatory policymaking enables Lithuania to withstand current challenges, such as regional security threats and an influx of Ukrainian refugees. In particular, the High Commissioner welcomed that the Ministry of Education, Science and Sports is developing adaptive curricula and educational formats to ensure that Ukrainian refugee children and youth in Lithuania can participate in Lithuanian society while maintaining their connections to Ukrainian language, culture and education.
The High Commissioner also underscored a crucial role that the Department on National Minorities under the Government of the Republic of Lithuania plays in fostering integration by facilitating dialogue and co-operation between various national minority communities in Lithuania and the authorities, donors and international organizations.
The High Commissioner also visited Pranciskaus Skorinos Gymnasium, which provides education in the Belarusian language. He appreciated that the school has developed into an inclusive space that not only helps preserve the Belarusian language but also supports multilingualism.