OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities discusses language and education in Moldova

OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities Lamberto Zannier focused on issues related to language and education during a visit to Moldova from 28 to 31 January 2020.
In Chisinau, Zannier met members of the parliament, where he discussed the law regulating the functioning of languages in Moldova. “The situation with regard to the law regulating the functioning of languages needs to be clarified following the Constitutional Court’s decision declaring the law obsolete,” he said.
The High Commissioner also encouraged all communities in the country to learn the state language to facilitate a stable and inclusive society, and to ensure the effective participation of all minority communities in public life.
The High Commissioner also met with representatives of different ethnic communities at the Coordinating Council of Ethno-cultural Organizations under the Agency of Inter-ethnic Relations to acquaint himself with the latest developments on issues related to his mandate. In particular, he received updates on the process to implement the National Strategy for Consolidating Inter-Ethnic Relations through the Action Plan 2017–2020, and discussed prospects for the next phase.
Zannier met with the Bashkan (Governor) of Gagauzia Iryna Vlah, and other institutional representatives. He encouraged his interlocutors to continue making progress in the political dialogue and expressed his support for the process.
In Comrat, he visited a Romanian-language school, where he met teachers and students, and gave a lecture at the university. He also travelled to the region of Taraclia, where he met representatives of the Bulgarian community and regional institutions, and visited the university.
The visit was organized with the support of the OSCE Mission to Moldova.