OSCE High Commissioner on National Minorities

2011 winner

Uri Rosenthal, Minister for Foreign Affairs of the Netherlands (l), presents the Max van der Stoel Award to the winners Sasho Stojkovski (r), Director of the Nansen Dialogue Centre Skopje, and Veton Zekoli (c), project manager at the Nansen Dialogue Centre Skopje. (OSCE/Arnaud Roelofsz) Photo details
The Nansen Dialogue Centre Skopje (NDC Skopje) won the 2011 Max van der Stoel award. The NDC Skopje was established in 2000, and is part of the Nansen Dialogue Network, which supports intercultural and interethnic dialogue with the aim of preventing conflict, fostering reconciliation and building peace. In particular, it has taken up the challenging task of bringing together students, parents and teachers in an area that has been affected by the 2001 conflict and is characterized by great ethnic divisions.