OSCE conducts regional seminar in Kazakhstan on Vienna Document

ASTANA, 23 May 2017 – An OSCE-supported four-day regional training seminar for military officers on the practical implementation of the confidence- and security-building measures of the Vienna Document 2011 began today in Astana.
Military and civilian experts from Belarus, France, Germany, Hungary, Italy and the OSCE Forum for Security Co-operation Support Section will share their expertise and participants will discuss developments in the field.
Some 40 military officers and civilians from Azerbaijan, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Mongolia, Tajikistan and Turkmenistan will take part in the seminar, which includes theoretical exercises and a simulated inspection visit to the 36th Air Assault Brigade near Astana on 26 May. The participants will carry out an evaluation of compliance and verification in accordance with the provisions of the Vienna Document and produce a report.
The Vienna Document was adopted by all OSCE participating States and obliges them to share information on their armed forces and military activities. It also contains provisions on compliance and verification, such as conducting and hosting inspections and evaluations, as well as on risk reduction, military contacts and co-operation, and prior notification of certain military activities.
“The Vienna Document is one of the most important instruments in the politico-military dimension of the OSCE, with measures for transparency, confidence building and a system of verification,” noted Major General Talgat Mukhtarov, Deputy Defence Minister of Kazakhstan in his welcoming speech.
Col. (Ret.) Robin Mossinkoff, Head of the Forum for Security Co-operation Support Section said: “Kazakhstan is an exemplary nation when it comes to fulfilling its obligations under the Vienna Document and other confidence- and security-building measures. It is appropriate that this annual training programme is held here to assist other participating States in their commitments with regards to these crucial security agreements.”
Colin McCullough, Political Officer at the OSCE Programme Office in Astana said:
“Through such exercises participants can study the provisions of the Vienna Document and through developing informal contacts with fellow officers better understand its spirit.”
The OSCE Programme Office in Astana organized the regional training seminar in co-operation with Kazakhstan's Defence Ministry. The Office has been organizing seminars on the Vienna Document in Kazakhstan since 2006.