Media reform in Kazakhstan must continue, OSCE media freedom representative says

ASTANA, 1 November 2012 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, today concluded her official visit to Kazakhstan, where she met with high-ranking government officials, civil society and journalists, and stressed the need to safeguard safety of journalists and continue media reform efforts.
“I was honoured to accept the invitation of Foreign Minister Erlan Idrissov and appreciate the direct and fruitful interaction with the officials in Kazakhstan,” Mijatović said. “We have exchanged views on important media freedom issues, including safety of journalists, reform of media legislation and the process of broadcasting digitalization in the country.
“I urged the authorities to pay special attention to recent assaults on journalists and effectively investigate them,” she said.
Mijatović called on the authorities to continue the reform of the Criminal and Civil codes to completely decriminalize defamation, as well as to cap disproportionately high damage awards in defamation cases. She also urged the adoption of a law on access to information and discussed the ongoing digitalization of broadcasting which she said should result in more pluralism.
“I am glad that my concerns were taken into account by the authorities in Kazakhstan, and that they shared my understanding for the need for further steps to ensure, protect and promote the culture of respect to freedom of expression and freedom of information,” Mijatović said. “I offered my Office’s full support and assistance for their efforts on this direction.”
Mijatović welcomed a Code of Ethics adopted by the Kazakh Union of Journalists; she said it was “an important step to strengthen the journalism profession”. She called on journalists to use the Code as a tool that could lead to the establishment of a self-regulatory body.
In addition to Foreign Minister Idrissov, Mijatović met with Adviser to the President Yermukhamet Yertysbayev, Vice Minister of Culture and Information, Arman Kyrykbayev and Human Rights Commissioner Askar Shakirov.
“I welcome the readiness of the authorities to co-operate with my Office and I am pleased that we have agreed upon practical joint steps to be taken for the sake of media freedom in the country,” she said.
Mijatović was accompanied to the meetings by Jeannette Kloetzer, Deputy Head of the OSCE Centre in Astana.
Mijatović also spoke with the students of the Eurasian National University named after Gumilyov and the Academy of Public Administration.