OSCE media freedom representative says Moldova should immediately investigate attack on OMEGA camera operator
VIENNA, 7 May 2012 – The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatović, today expressed her concern over a recent attack on Vladimir Vivici, a camera operator of OMEGA news agency in Chisinau.
On 5 May Vivici was attacked by four men on a street in Chisinau. He suffered multiple head and internal injuries and is now in a hospital.
“Attacks such as the one against Vladimir Vivici may have a chilling effect on the media. It is of vital importance to swiftly investigate this crime, unveil its purpose and punish the assailants,” Mijatović said. “Moldova’s authorities have to demonstrate their adherence to the media freedom commitments they have undertaken in the OSCE, and fight resolutely against any manifestation of violence and threats against journalists,” she stressed.