OSCE media freedom representative meets Kyrgyz President Rosa Otunbayeva, offers support for further media reforms

BISHKEK, 19 July 2010 - The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Dunja Mijatovic, met today with Kyrgyz President Roza Otunbayeva to promote the establishment of a public service broadcaster and support further media reforms in Kyrgyzstan, including improving the legal framework for media, in particular to protect journalists.
"I welcome the pledge of President Otunbayeva to continuously support and further develop media freedom in Kyrgyzstan," said Mijatovic, who is visiting Kyrgyzstan to meet government officials as well as media and civil society representatives.
She added: "I hope that the observation board of the public service broadcaster will be appointed as soon as possible so that it can start its important work, particularly in light of the forthcoming October parliamentary elections. Free, fair and credible election results are only possible if every citizen can be well informed and has access to sufficient information representing a diversity of views."
During her meeting with the President, Mijatovic raised the issue of protecting journalists and explored possibilities to assist in developing a training strategy that could be offered to journalists in Kyrgyzstan.
"The safety of journalists is a key component of media freedom. I hope that the authorities will do their utmost to protect media professionals working for the benefit of people's right to know in all parts of the country," she said.
"I look forward to continuing my dialogue with the Kyrgyz authorities to further improve the media freedom situation. Freedom of the media is a key component to guaranteeing stability and peace."