OSCE Media Freedom Representative holds roundtable in Baku on decriminalising libel
BAKU, 29 October 2004 - Legislation affecting freedom of the media in Azerbaijan headed the agenda of a roundtable which ended yesterday in Baku.
Organised by the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Miklos Haraszti, and the Council of Europe, the event brought together parliamentarians, judges and international and local experts on legislative processes related to libel and freedom of information.
"It is imperative that libel is decriminalized so that no journalist can go to prison for what he or she writes," said Miklos Haraszti. "Such laws have are seriously detrimental to freedom of expression and should be abolished."
Ambassador Maurizio Pavesi, Head of the OSCE Office in Baku, said: "The use of defamation laws against journalists has a chilling effect on freedom of the media in Azerbaijan. Open discussions and an exchange of opinions are extremely important now that the process of developing a new law on libel and insult has started in this country."
Mats Lindberg, Special Representative of the Secretary General of the Council of Europe, said: "Aligning Azerbaijani legislation with international principles is only one step. Judges and legal professionals need also to be trained in interpreting and applying the law in conformity with European standards. Putting a journalist in prison for carrying out his work can never be considered in conformity with European standards."
The roundtable was a follow-up to two legal reviews on libel and freedom of information commissioned by the OSCE and the Council of Europe and prepared by international media experts.
The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and the OSCE Office in Baku believe the exchange of views between local and international experts was an important element in developing Azerbaijani legislation in line with international standards.