Outgoing OSCE Media Representative to criticize participating States over press freedom in final report

VIENNA, 9 December 2003 - After six years in office, Freimut Duve, the OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, will on Thursday, 11 December, give his last official report to the Organization's 55-nation Permanent Council.
In his address, Mr. Duve will criticize the performance of some OSCE participating States on media freedom and express his concern about a clear shift in the priorities of the OSCE away from human rights and towards security.
Mr. Duve was first appointed in 1997 and granted a second three-year term in 2000. His term expires at the end of this month.
Following his address, Mr. Duve will give a press conference in the Hofburg Congress Centre, Room 201, 2nd floor at 12.30.
For admission, please present your OSCE accreditation badge or a valid press card to Security at the Heldenplatz entrance of the Hofburg Conference Centre. Temporary parking is available for the press on Thursday, 11 December from 9:30 to 13:30 in the OSCE-reserved parking area on Heldenplatz. Parking permits should also be collected from the Security desk.