"Media situation in Kazakhstan has consistently deteriorated", says OSCE Media Representative

VIENNA, 14 June 2002 - The OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media, Freimut Duve, has issued a special report on the media situation in Kazakhstan, highlighting his main concerns and recommending concrete steps for improvement.
"The situation in Kazakhstan has consistently deteriorated in the recent past", Mr. Duve stated in his report. "The last few months have seen a series of attacks on the media, including the closure of a number of media outlets."
Mr. Duve urged the Kazakh authorities to thoroughly investigate these and other incidents presented in the report and to do more to ensure a safe environment for the media.
In his report, the OSCE's Media Representative also recommended to ensure the transparency of media ownership, to prevent technical restrictions or excessive financial burdens being imposed on the media, and to enforce the right of access to information. In addition, his recommendations call for the review and - where necessary - the amendment of the legislative framework, in order to bring it fully in line with the country's OSCE commitments.