Free journalism - the shield of democracy in periods of conflict
VIENNA 3 May 2000
VIENNA, 3 May 2000 - On the occasion of the World Press Freedom Day, 3 May, Abid Hussain, United Nations Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Opinion and Expression, Freimut Duve, OSCE Representative on Freedom of the Media and Santiago Canton, Organization of American States Special Rapporteur on Freedom of Expression joined in a statement about the harassment and killing of journalists in conflict situations:
- We note with deep concern that, in 1999, 87 journalists and media personnel, many in the context of conflict or post-conflict situations, were reportedly killed while carrying out their assignments.
- We emphasize the importance of access to information and, in particular, the right of journalists to seek, receive and impart information. Journalists are the shields of democracy - all the more during periods of conflict and tension. Free access in war zones is essential in order to enable journalists to fulfill their mission of informing the public.
- We urge Governments to fully respect and protect the right to freedom of expression and the right of access to information in particular, by guaranteeing the security and safety of journalists in conflict and post-conflict areas. Guarantees should also be provided to prevent journalists from being subject to influence and pressure so that the information they provide remains fair, impartial and non-partisan.
- We recall that, according to international standards, during periods of conflict and tension, only the narrowest limitations may be imposed on the right to freedom of expression and information and law must have prescribed these. Consequently, all national laws that restrict this right in an abusive manner should be repealed.
- We reaffirm that in post conflict situations the reestablishment of a free, independent and pluralist press constitutes an essential step towards rebuilding and reinforcing democratic institutions.
- We reiterate that Governments and other power groups should refrain from using the media as a propaganda machine to call for violence and to disseminate racial hatred.
- We express concern about the lack of common principles regarding the access of journalists to areas of conflict or tension and request the international community to take adequate steps to ensure minimum standards applicable to all.
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